A Choice To Make . . .

The Restoration, Preservation and Furtherance of an Attitude of Overwhelming Love and Respect for the Sanctity of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life

If we can not love and respect the innocent unborn,

how can we love and respect one another?

The unborn cry for mercy!

The Common Situation

Once in our nation there was a magnificent selfless attitude of good.  If the ship was sinking, or there was other perilous danger, the pregnant women (who carried innocent unique unborn human life), and babies were the first to be saved at all risks and sacrifice.   Now there seems to be a horrific selfish attitude of evil apathy growing in our nation that condones the legalized genocidal premeditated preferential murderous killing and destruction, (chopping up), of innocent unique unborn human life, for convenience, self preservation, and/or profit (abortion, and "harvest" of human embryonic stem cell's, fetal tissue and/or infant organs).   Our attitude of apathetic coadunation of these genocidal acts are more grievous than that of the populace in Nazi Germany, in that our apathy is not the result of despair over atrocious acts of a dictatorial tyrant, but is the result of genocidal acts legalized by the collective of our electorate.  

Shortly after the 9/11 Terrorist Attack we were told that our US-American society is vulnerable to such attacks because we have lost much of the sense of community that was once such an integral part of our forefathers’ society.  In our quest for individual freedom, we have lost much of the sense of spontaneous community; spontaneous community participation, spontaneous community interaction, spontaneous community accountability, spontaneous community commitment, and spontaneous community responsibility key to their/our survival; as individuals, as a community, and as a nation.

The most fundamental issue that is polarizing our US-American society today is the lack of an attitude of overwhelming love and respect for the sanctity of innocent unique unborn human life.  There seems to be a horrific selfish attitude of evil apathy growing in our nation that condones the premeditated, preferential murderous killing and chopping up (abortion, "harvest" of human embryonic stem cells, fetal tissue and infant organs) of innocent new unique unborn human life, for convenience, self preservation and/or profit. 

In the United States of America there have been, 50,000,000 atrocious abortions after Roe v Wade, and counting at the rate of about 4,000 per day.  According to the CNN November 2004 California Exit Poll, 73% of the voters who voted on the California Right to Conduct Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research/Utilization Proposition 71 professed to be Christian, an overwhelming majority.  Of all those who professed to be Christian,  55% manifested a lack of love and respect for the sanctity of innocent unborn human life by voting for legalized genocide of the unique unborn human personage group.  Even 42% of those "Christians" who "Attended Church Weekly" manifested the same lack of love and respect for the sanctity of innocent unique unborn human life, by voting not to preserve it.

It would seem that US-Americans as a society still have not found the system by which to bring about the restoration, preservation and furtherance of an attitude of overwhelming love and respect for the sanctity of innocent unique unborn human life in our community, in our society. 

The Common Searches/Observations

Around two thousands years ago, when another group of peoples were faced with an overwhelming issue of belief, too complex for comprehension and/or resolution of the individual, the people of Corinth were told of a system by which to resolve their fundamental differences. 

Like the police chief from Ceres said, in his article in the local newspaper, relative to gangs after the killing of one of his officer;  (to paraphrase) " . . . there are those in our community who "respect life" . . . and there are those who "do not".  Like the Abstinence Instructor said, (to paraphrase) ". . . the biggest frustration of the students is that their parents are not talking about loving and respecting the sanctity of unborn human life in their homes."


We have a community "gang task force" (an after the fact kind of approach) but we do not have a "community love and respect life task force" or even a love and respect life focus group, (a before the fact kind of approach), dedicated to the restoration, preservation and furtherance of an attitude of love and respect for life in our community!!! 


We have many organizations religious and secular that include "respect for life" as a fundamental unspoken foundation of what they are doing.   But, no one seems to be really willing to talk with each other about, what could really be done to restore, preserve and foster an attitude of "love and respect for the sanctity of innocent unique unborn human life"in our neighborhood,  in our community, in our society?

The Sacred And Scientific Image

Of An Unique Human-Being’s/Person's Life


Fertilized Ovum    -    Blastula    -    Embryo    -   

Fetus    -   Infant    -    Child    -    Adolescent    -

 Young Adult    -    Middle Adult    -    Senior Adult


Fertilized Ovum    -    Blastula    -    Embryo    -   

Fetus    -   Infant    -    Child    -    Adolescent    -

Young Adult    -    Middle Adult    -    Senior Adult

(Modified Applications from:  Human Life: Science or Sacred)

(Webster's 1945 Dictionary - of the commonly recognized usage of language.)

Person - A Human Being

Child - An Unborn Or Born Person

If we use the unique DNA determined at the instance of conception to identify a person.  Then it is only logical that we also recognize that person’s existence from the instance of  conception.  But unjustly, like in the case of Dred Scott, the Unique Unborn Person has been denied the status of personage by those Persons who have been born.

The Common Concern

The primary concerns include but are not limited to:


+ Moral re-humanization of the unique unborn personage group, and legal establishment of the Constitutional recognition of the personage of the unique unborn person

+ Restoration of "The Moment of Truth", "The Moment of Commitment" to a point in time prior to the initiation of sexual intercourse (Our Vow To The Unborn Person)

+ Restoration of an attitude of individual and communal accountability for the wellbeing of unique unborn human life

+ Restoration of the recognition that mutually consenting sexual partners have mutually equal  moral responsibilities and mutually equal legal rights for the wellbeing of any and all unborn human life conceived of their consensual sexual union(s)

+ Exposure of the greed-full profiteering ambitions of "abortion",  "human embryonic stem cell research/utilization", "fetal tissue  and/or "infant organ transplant" for convenience and/or profit special interest

+ Establishment and maintenance of readily accessible morally acceptable alternatives/assistance for pregnant mothers of unwanted unborn human life

+ Recognition of early term miscarried and/or still born remains as human remains.  Normalization of regular and consistent acts and deeds in recognition/remembrance of the miscarried/still born dead

The Common Solution

Restoring, Preserving, and Furthering A National Moral Attitude Of Overwhelming Love and Respect For The Sanctity Of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life

"For the mature have learned to distinguish good from evil."

In An Orderly Manner

Dedicating ourselves to, together gathering together, on fifth Wednesday evenings;  in small clusters, in our homes, over a common potluck meal, - to seek, share, scrutinize and communicate relative to our common concerns, and thus to coalesce the will of the people to resolve our moral differences. - One Individual  - One Family  - One Cluster  - One Group  - One Congregation  - One Organization  - One Firm   - One Neighborhood  - One Community  - One Zip Code Area  - One County  - One State  at a time . . . 

The Common Action

The Making Of A Lasting Moral Movement

A lasting moral movement must be broad based, balanced and built from the bottom up.

See: The Manifestry Method

Gathering Together at Neighborhood Community Manifestry Gatherings

"They dedicated themselves" - Let us "Go And Do Likewise".  Let us dedicate ourselves; to resolving our moral differences, to  communicating confidently together, over a common (potluck) meal, in small neighborhood clusters, in our homes, on 5th Wednesday evenings.

See: The Manifestry Method

What You Can Do

To Assist With The Restoration, Preservation and Furtherance Of An Attitude Of Overwhelming Love and Respect For The Sanctity Of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life In Our Neighborhood, In Our Community, In Our Society

Vow To The Unborn

Make your own personal “Vow To The Unborn” 

and encourage others to do likewise.

- - - xxx - - -

Proposed Personal Action Strategy

For The Restoration, Preservation and Furtherance of an Attitude of Overwhelming Love and Respect for the Sanctity of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life In Our Society

1.  Personally Educating Self and Others

- seeking, meditating, and sharing moral and ethical information relative to Loving an Respecting The Sanctity Of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life

2.  Personally Encouraging Others

- influencing others to Love and Respect The Sanctity Of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life (in a non-confrontational manner) by communicating moral and ethical opinions, beliefs, convictions via; personal and/or small group conversations, one on one telephone conferences, and/or written e-mails, memos and/or letters

3.  Personally Hosting and/or Participating In, In-Home "Love And Respect For The Sanctity of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life Manifestry Gathering(s)"

- inviting others, to your home on fifth Wednesday evenings for a  common (potluck) meal, and conversation relative to Restoring, Preserving and Furthering An Attitude Of Overwhelming Love And Respect For The Sanctity Of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life

4.  Personally (Or In Two's/Three's) Walking The Neighborhood

- talking to your neighbors and/or distributing flyers, handbills, brochures that contain moral and ethical information and/or position statements supporting The Restoration, Preservation, Furtherance Of An Attitude Of Overwhelming Love And Respect For The Sanctity Of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life

5.  Participating In Public and Political Activities

- voting, and being active in other non-confrontational activities which promote and  foster greater awareness and understanding of An Attitude of Overwhelming Love And Respect For The Sanctity Of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life issues/concerns

6.  Promoting The Manifestry Method - For The Restoration, Preservation and Furtherance Of An Attitude Of Overwhelming Love And Respect For The Sanctity Of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life Movement

- sharing The Manifestry Method concept with others whenever/wherever appropriate  (See Handout)

- participating in Love and Respect For The Sanctity Of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life Manifestry clusters

- inviting and encouraging others to participate in Love and Respect For The Sanctity Of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life Manifestry clusters

7.  Voluntarily Functioning As A For The Restoration, Preservation, Furtherance Of An Attitude Of Overwhelming Love And Respect For The Sanctity Of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life Movement Facilitator-Encourager

- if so called by The Spirit (from within yourself), voluntarily facilitating the introduction of The Manifestry Method to a specific people grouping and/or geographic locality;

  - Individual Encourager

  - Family Encourager

  - Group Encourager

  - Congregation Encourager

  - Organization Encourager

  - Firm Encourager

  - Neighborhood Encourager

  - Zip Code Area Encourager

  - County Encourager


Any and all actual acts and deeds, action beyond the coalescence of the moral will of the people is to be done through/by the appropriate existent Ministry, and/or Missionary entity(ies).

A Worthy Endeavor

The Restoration, Preservation and Furtherance Of An Attitude Of Overwhelming Love And Respect For The Sanctity Of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life, In Our Neighborhood, In Our Community, In Our Society may be an endeavor worthy of our time and talents.  May we all be encouraged to invite others to cluster on fifth Wednesday evenings, to seek: The Restoration, Preservation and Furtherance of an Attitude of Overwhelming Love and Respect for the Sanctity of Innocent Unique Unborn Human Life